meilleur collagène, bienfaits collagène, collagène marin

Which collagen to choose?

Solutions exist to make up for this deficiency in the natural collagen production by our body and are found in the composition of certain foods.

What is Collagen? Reading Which collagen to choose? 8 minutes Next When to take collagen?

The effectiveness of collagen no longer needs to be proven. Between scientific research and clinical studies, this well-being molecule should be introduced into your daily routine.

Each brand of collagen-based products (capsules, collagen drink, collagen stick) often has its specialty in bovine or marine collagen and will therefore push towards one or the other by advancing arguments such as the absorption rate by the body or around type I collagen or type 3 collagen.

At Humble+, we look at one thing only: the intrinsic quality of each collagen to bring you the best and healthiest. We are therefore going to take a look at the different types of collagen, the pros and cons of each and find out which one is right for you. Read our history and our commitments

What is collagen used for?

Abundantly present in the human body, collagen is a protein that we produce naturally. Collagen is an essential element for the physical cohesion of the body as well as for the elasticity and the skin firmness.

Present in the dermis, the muscles, the cartilages, the tendons, the ligaments, the blood vessels or the bones, collagen uptake plays a fundamental role for our physical well-being and the cell regeneration in general as well as for the reduction of wrinkles.

When to take collagen?

Over the years and from the age of 30, this ability to make collagen and to synthesize it decreases. This loss of collagen could be accentuated by various environmental factors or factors linked to our lifestyle: exposure to the sun, consumption of tobacco or alcohol, pollution, stress, etc.

The effects of a collagen deficiency will be of several natures: skin aging with the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines as well as a loss of elasticity, joint pain, difficulty in sports recovery...

What are the benefits of collagen?

Taking collagen would allow the following benefits:

Muscle development, bone density, strengthening of connective tissues, maintenance of the natural beauty of the skin with the reduction of wrinkles, joint comfort, the effectiveness of collagen is scientifically proven.

There are also many studies on the association of collagen with vitamin C to stimulate molecules in the skin, copper in the bones.

What is the richest food in collagen?

Solutions exist to make up for this deficiency in the natural collagen production by our body and they are found in the composition of certain foods: tendons, hocks, marrow bones, organ meats... in short, things that we no longer eat much! Hence the taking of collagen as a supplement.

What is the best collagen to take?

What is important to note beforehand and which gives collagen, whether bovine or marine, its eco-friendly side, is that we neither breed nor fish to produce collagen. They are noble leftovers from the cattle and marine industries.

bovine collagen

As its name suggests, it is extracted from beef and in particular from the skin and cartilage which are not used by the food industry to feed humans. These parts of the beef are then transformed with an enzymatic process called hydrolysis and which will cut the molecules to keep only what interests us, namely, the collagen.

The dangers and points of attention

Of course it is not vegan or vegetarian.

Like everything that comes from animals, the sourcing of the product is of fundamental importance here to ensure that we are in the presence of a collagen that has passed European, but especially French, health tests. Companies offering collagen-based products do not communicate on the origin of their collagen for two reasons:

- either they want to keep the name of their supplier secret

- either they buy it and process it abroad for cost reasons and do not wish to disclose it

On bovine collagen there are 2 main French companies: Weishardt in department 81 and Peptan in department 17.

At Humble+, we have chosen bovine collagen from Weishardt for our collagen protein bars under development and will be released in January. We chose bovine collagen for the taste and texture of our bars.

Where to find marine collagen?

Marine collagen will be found in the skin and cartilage of fish, which are mainly composed of bones in particular, which are very rich in collagen. Once again, it is therefore not easy to consume it through food.

We will therefore be able to consume marine collagen from fishing residues. A company like Weishardt will, for example, collect bones and skin from suppliers, apply the same hydrolysis process, thus giving collagen peptides.

Points of attention

As it comes from fishing, ensuring the sourcing of the latter is important to avoid giving money to unscrupulous companies of the seabed and the protection of the oceans.

This is why we have chosen for our collagen drinks to drink with concentrated lemon juice for vitamin c (collagen water) marine collagen from Weishardt, which has developed a patented product, Naticol, with clinically proven effects. In addition, the company is the first to obtain the "Friends of the Sea" label, which guarantees responsible fishing.

Be careful though, we are here in the presence of an allergen: fish. Stay away if you suffer from this ailment.

Which collagen to choose?

As you read, between marine collagen and bovine collagen, we have no preference. We choose according to the product in which we put it. The only thing that interests us is to ensure that we have a quality product, with impeccable traceability.

collagen powder

Our recommendation of French brands with an identified collagen: Peptan or Naticol. Certainly it is always more expensive but compared to the elements mentioned above, it is a prerequisite. The effectiveness of collagen is one thing, but quality must be the priority.

Food supplement in capsule

We are not fans of capsules for two reasons: the concentration of collagen is quite low, for example it takes the equivalent of 4 to 8 capsules to obtain a can of our drinks to collagen, and especially the pleasure of consumption is non-existent.

What is the best collagen to drink?

It is difficult, in our modern lifestyles and faced with our various daily obligations, to adhere to a strict diet that would lead us to consume the right amount of collagen according to our specific needs.

Food supplements in powder or capsules, cosmetics, creams and serums enriched with collagen, there are a multitude of solutions, more or less effective to support the loss of natural production of collagen.

But for a wellness routine to be effective, it must focus on an exclusively natural product that is easy to implement on a daily basis.

And it's the drink Humble collagen+ who brings you the benefits of french marine collagen, healthy and natural, in your daily routine.

Indeed, what could be easier to set up than to consume a collagen drink during the day that is rich in protein, flavored with natural ingredients and low in sugars.

To find us in person, consult the map of our points of sale.

How long does a collagen cure last?

The first results appear after one month. We recommend consuming collagen over a period of 8 weeks with 5g per day either a can or a bar.


Collagen fibers: Collagen is an important protein found in the connective tissues of the body, such as skin, bones and cartilage.


Hydrolyzed collagen or collagen peptide is the same thing. It is the purest form for better absorption by the body.

Amino acids : Collagen is a protein composed of several amino acids essential for the good health of the skin, bones and joints.

Glycine : Glycine is an essential amino acid that promotes the production of collagen. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and can help fight wrinkles.

Gelatin: Gelatin is made up of collagen and is therefore beneficial for joint and bone health.